Learn French – Online Lessons

If you truly don’t have the time or money to take any kind of French class, you have no choice but to go it alone. Learning French independently is not ideal, but it can be done, at least up to a point. With online lessons such as those found on the links from this site, you can learn a great deal of French grammar and vocabulary, and use the sound files to work on your French pronunciation and listening. There’s also a list of links from the Resource section for lessons to help you learn progressively, and you can always ask questions and get corrections/feedback in the forum. But at some point you will need to supplement your French learning with personal interaction.

Please use the links from the Resource section to continue reading about ways to learn French. You can as well visit the Download Page and access FREE notes and information. Don’t hesitate to leave a comment on anything. Enjoy my Blog!

About flaps2013

I am a Teacher of French and I wish to use this blog in sharing my knowledge, skills, expertise and experience with students, academicians from all over the world.

Posted on February 7, 2010, in 1. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. The list of resources you posted is appreciated.

  2. thanx alot prof

  3. Your blog seems nice but i’m yet to explore the content.Je suis malade.Bonne chance.

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